Our Story
In a wondrous twist of fate, Tasya and Jerry found themselves dwelling on distant islands, worlds apart. However, in a serendipitous moment, orchestrated by the divine hand of God, their paths converged amidst the bustling city of Jakarta on that fateful day, May 3, 2022. A gentle breeze carried the scent of adventure as they discovered each other through a shared plate of delectable pasta.
Underneath the billowing sky, with the wind as their harmonious companion, their souls intertwined in a mesmerizing dance of destiny. The taste of that first bite, savored amidst laughter and enchanting conversation, ignited a spark that would forever illuminate their hearts.
In the realm of dreams and love's tender caress, Tasya and Jerry, guided by the benevolent hand of God, embarked on a journey where each day was an eternal celebration of their intertwined destinies. Through the passage of time, their love flourished, nourished by the simple joy of pasta and the everlasting enchantment that brought them together.